Looks are important!

classic-carDespite what your mother told you, looks are important. The way you present your product or service says a lot about your business. Not having a website for your business tells potential customers that your product or service is old and outdated.

Whenever I look for a product or service, the first thing I do is hop onto Google and do a search. If I find a business that only provides a link to Yelp, I will invariably skip to the next website link  (the competitor) whose website tells me the operating hours, location, services, prices, etc. Why should I have to call a business that doesn’t have a website when I can find out everything I need to know on the competition’s website? 

Having a website today is as important as printing business cards for your business. You need to let customers know your up-to-date and connected to today’s technology and resources. It doesn’t matter that your business is small, a website is still vital.  A large portion of revenues is derived from online transactions.  Do you really want to give away business to the competition because you failed to get a website? Nowadays, almost anything can be sold online.

Over 20 million shoppers are now online this very minute!

Some products or services, of course, are more easily sold online than others and the scope of your efforts to conduct business online will vary accordingly.  However, it’s important that — AT THE VERY LEAST — you have an online presence where potential customers, investors, business partners and/or employees can learn about your products or services.




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